Thursday, March 3, 2011

Special Events on NC State Campus

Having lived on campus for my first two years of undergrad and having been part of this university for the last six years, I have been a part of a lot of student events present on campus throughout the years. From NC State football and basketball games to numerous other varsity and intramural sports available on campus (to participate in or watch) to art and cinema and community service events, there’s something for everyone. There is also an array of over 400 student organizations that are active on campus. One can find groups covering a range of topics from religious to spiritual, political issues, cultural, media, recreational, Greek and other multicultural events.

By viewing the student organization resource center calendar one can find events provided by such groups. In particular I’m very fond of the free social dance lessons that are held most Tuesday nights in the Talley Student Center provided by Dances with Wolves ballroom dance team…a team I was a proud member of for most of my undergraduate career. There are also many club sport events to watch, club fundraisers like the upcoming drag show in late March provided by the GLBT Community Alliance group. There are also special events coming up such as the Red and White Soccer Classic whose proceeds benefit the V Foundation for cancer research. Moreover there are conferences available for numerous student majors.

For the month of March there are craft center work shops available free to students who like to create things from skateboards to photographs. The Witherspoon student center is a great place to view movies for only $1.50 I believe. One of this month’s movies is “The Town.” The dining hall often provides events such as the upcoming “Chill Out” chili bar and late night snacks during Midterm and Final’s weeks. Service NC State is always a good organization to be involved with if you are looking for a volunteer project near by cleaning up campus or preparing food for the needy. If youre interested in further education seminars there often are numerous workshops on campus which include improving interviewing skills and learning about instructional online technology for the classroom to say the least. CSLEPs is a great organization to find resources about volunteer projects going on around campus, around the U.S. and even abroad. A great way to spend a spring or summer break might I add! Whatever your into keep an eye open. A lot of groups and events on campus post flyers outside of classrooms, near offices and even outdoors around most of the university. Or just go to and search for “special events” on campus. There’s no doubt you’ll find what you’re looking for. Happy hunting.

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